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ESV: Book of Common Prayer Daily Office Lectionary

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A side note...this runs so contrary to the world around us. Repentance is not something thought of as admirable in this time. Yet if we can allow ourselves to get past what hinders is the most freeing.


Amen to that! A real Prophetic call. May God richly bless you.


Thanks again for this wake up call! I used it in my journal today, quoting you in full. Hope that was ok?

Repentence is hard. Let's not pretend otherwise. That nasty vice pride sneaks in, and if not pride then the need to justify or explain away the sin. GRRRRRR

have a blessed weekend, full of God's love and grace.


I've always been especially struck by one part of the Reconciliation of a Penitent liturgy: At the end, when all is forgiven, the priest dismisses the penitent with the very humble and very human words, "Go in peace, and pray for me, a sinner." Something about that just gets to me. Something about our shared love in Christ, and our shared need for Him. All of us.


Powerful in its simplicity. Forgiveness is a choice too. To choose not to hold something against someone, even though they deserve it. I struggle so much with this :(

But being accountable is crucial to our development as sons and daughters of God. We need mentors and we need to be willing to act as mentors, and yes confessors too.

Not just to mumble you are forgiven, but to be truly accountable, so that our motives are exposed and God's light can shine in and real work be done in our hearts, souls and spirits.

I'm far from there, but this post was a wake up call, and yes it tapped into a cry of my heart. For the Pauls and Paulinas to be unearthed and released again for the sake of the body of Christ.


I know that I am, so please pray for me, a poor sinner.


Yeah, it was the "apology" that finally made me write about this, too. Although I don't think I did so as nicely as you did.

That you are able to write such a convicting post without even mentioning Robertson's name is both a testament to your graciousness and to his blatant failure to repent.

Robertson's example is shameful on so many levels.

Sadly, I bet I'm just as obvious when I repent poorly. *sigh*



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